I feel like I should write a blog...but it's kinda hard to know what to write about because I've got lots of things rollin around in my head. I'll start with today - it was a good day! I got to hang out with Chris and baby Marshall which was sweeeet, I began teaching piano lessons again to my student Katelyn for the short time I'm home, and I went to a movie with my best friend's boyfriend! haha that sounds weird but we're good friends - he's perfect for Tara!
Lately I've been in kind of a slump. It's typical for post-YWAM experiences to become depressed almost once you get home. I think a big reason for that is that I am not surrounded by a community of believers 24/7 who challenge and encourage me in my walk. I spend most of the day with my mom (don't get me wrong it's awesome spending time with her!) but I don't have that accountability or people who realllly care for what my heart is going through. It's tricky to get to that point with people, but I just really miss my YWAM roomies. It's all good though, God is challenging me to be in love with him whether or not I am in that community - that's the biggest lesson for me!
Part of the being home blues is that I feel cooped up. Lately I've been dying to go out somewhere and see...something...naturey....ANYTHING! Fortunately I am so blessed with a dad who loves outdoor adventures so him and I are planning a hike together at Mary's Peek sometime while I'm home. That'll be awesome and beautiful. I would love to go on a roadtrip but everyone else has a life, lol.
Another big thing on my mind lately is the idea of raising support to go back into missions in Kona. I'm sure once I get started there will be people interested, but I'm starting to freak out thinking that no one will want to help me. However, I know it's the Lord's will that I be in leadership in Kona and he will provide for me the finances - BUT I still have to do my part. That means I need to get started soon. I have no idea if anyone reads this blog, but if you do, could you please pray for me? That I would get some good support raising ideas that will help prep a path for my ministry. That would be HUGE for me! And if anyone who reads this needs a prayer partner, let me know and I would love to pray for you too!
Seriously there's like a thousand more things I could write about right now. But it's not necessary. I just wanted to update my 'readers' on whats goin down. Thanks for reading and I hope all are doing awesome!! Keep in touch, I could use the communication. Ok well peace and good night.