Sunday, November 25, 2007

God is still God

I just need to recognize and acknowledge that God is still awesome no matter what crap I'm going through in my life. No matter if my heart is broken, if things are hard for me to deal with, if relationships are broken, if my day isn't going right, if I'm scared to death of my future, all these things and more - God is still God. I seriously could not be more grateful for that, otherwise where would I be? Where would anyone be if God was not the one solid thing they could rely on? It would be a miserable state.

God, please help me turn my eyes to you during this hard time with the stuff I'm going through to only rely on you as my source. I recognize and acknowledge that you alone can fill my heart when it is hurting, and you alone can make all things new and better. I acknowledge that now, but help me to continually remember that when things get rough. God, You alone are the source of all things good, you alone are my strength and shield!! Help me be filled with you alone, not things that vanish. Thank you so much for who you are. You are the brilliant God and my Creator!!!!!

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