How sweet it is to be loved! Marriage is a glorious gift! We're only five weeks in, but loving every moment of it. God is so good to provide his children with the companionship of a loving, faithful spouse. I love my husband dearly! Here are a few photos of our big day!
The LOVE of my life asked me to be his bride on Thursday, June 24, 2010. It could not have been more perfect! After a long, strenuous and stressful day at the office, we (so I thought), parted ways for the evening. I went to Outward as was typical for a Thursday evening, to babysit for the married's Lifegroup. Toward the end of babysitting Brian popped by to say "Hi" and told me to grab him to say goodbye after babysitting. We met up afterwards and he told me he was hungry and craving Chinese food. I was thinking "Ok, whatever, I am not hungry, so whatever sounds good to you babe."
As we were heading towards Kwan's restraunt, he decided he wanted to go to Marco Polo instead. random restaurant, yes, but a place he always brings up to go to, so it was no surprise. We found the perfect parking spot in front of the restaurant and headed inside holding hands as usual. The host / waiter welcomed us and offered their "outdoor seating" - because it was a beautiful day. Surprised, we looked at eachother and agreed "yes!" that was where we wanted to sit.
As our waiter led us downstairs, out the building, around the building, to the beautiful park around back, I became confused. Brian and I joked about what a long journey it was to find their outdoor seating and laughed as we wondered where the waiter was taking us!
I started to look up at the beautiful park out back. First, I noticed the candles lining the pond and thought to myself "wow! This must be how they decorate for summer. How cute!" Then, not even a moment later, I noticed a lantern on each tear ledging over the water. It was at that moment I got suspicious, because I knew they were my mom's lanterns! Slightly paralyzed on the inside, I looked up to notice not a single person (or table) in the park, except the on set up specially for two. In that moment, I tried to stay composed, but welled up with tears. With the happiest grin I have ever seen on his face, Brian led us to our table. I am pretty sure I asked him five times what was going on as I fought tears of joy.
We hugged. He told me "I just want to tell you, that I LOVE you." (We promised at the beginning of our relationship to not say " I love you" until engagement). He instantaneously dropped a knee and asked me to marry him. I was so overwhelmed with joy, I could not help but cry.... my eyes out.
In the midst of that sweet, unforgettable, romantic moment, i noticed him holding the ring I fell in love with around Christmas time. The only one of its kind that 'disappeared' sometime in February. There was much cheering, clapping, and rejoicing in the background as he was proposing to me. An unforgettable moment.
After cherishing the first few moments with my new fiance, he had me turn around . The park was a haze from my teary eyes, but I saw so many of our dear friends walking toward us teary-eyed and smiley. My mom was with them, which topped off the special moment.
After some "congrats!" and "finally"s, our friends scattered to let us eat and be together. Not much eating was happening on my part, just a lot of reminiscing. Once we were done our friends came back to clean up for us, and we walked to River Front Park - one of our special places. We then sat on a bench, prayed, and rejoiced with one another for the incredible gift that was given to us - the gift of marriage.
It was the perfect proposal to the most perfect man for me, on the perfect day. November 6th, 2010, HERE WE COME!!
My beloved speaks to me and says; 'Arise, my love, my beautiful one, and come away, for the winter is past; the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land.'
That incredible passage has made me teary-eyed and sent chills down my spine since 2008, on my dating fast in Kona. Recovering from a crappy, ungodly relationship, to healing and looking forward to meeting the 'one' for me. I so longed to find the one who I would know would come after the winter-like seasons of my life, and revive me, bringing the freshness of spring to my life always. And here I am.
I always thought of this passage as fitting me and my personal situation incredibly. It does this, however it also rings true in the life of my brand new fiance. It is his story to tell, but after four years of heartache and destructed dreams of what a marriage should look like, Brian, too was brought to rock bottom. This passage not only fits me and my past, but fits us perfectly. I am so thankful for the redeeming love of Christ, and that He brings us joy.
Thank you, Jesus, for your unfailing love! Thank you that you can restore broken hearts, not only to satisfy our human desires, but to draw us closer to yourself. You are beautiful. Thank you that the winter is past, the rain is over and gone, and now is a time for rejoicing in the life of the future Mr. and Mrs. Bradley.
"If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, an understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away all i have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing.
Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never ends..."
Last night was incredible. I had the most amazing time worshipping the Lord and interceding for the bride of Christ at SHOP. (Salem House of Prayer). As my amazing boyfriend rocked out on the drums, and the rest of the band played, worshipped and interceded for the bride, I got to soak it all in.
One Friday a month Brian plays with his friends at SHOP for a 2 hour worship set. I had been to a couple, but now am thinking I will go every time he plays. I know I have written about my love for SHOP is blogs past, so I won't get into that. However, I do want to share my love and passion for the 24/7 prayer movement going on in different prayer houses throughout the nation. Prayer and worship are incredibly powerful tools that we as Christians are blessed with. I feel like we do not emphasize or experience enough, how powerful prayer is. I am just so grateful to the Lord for the gift we have of worshipping Him and experiencing His presence! Not only do we get to talk to Him, but He LISTENS!
Lord, I pray for a fresh outpouring of Your love among us believers, Your bride. That we would not let our own ways get in the way of serving the one who gave us everything! Bring unity among Your bride, that we may all only seek Your face!
My heart was re-captivated today, thinking about my Beloved. I have a human beloved who is a gift from God. I find myself often thinking about my 'non-capitalized' beloved. I daydream about him, I wait for the day that he is mine and I am his. I long to call him 'mine' for good. I care so deeply for him, I would give anything to make him happy, to make him comfortable. I sacrifice money, time, thoughts, emotions, comforts, and such to do anything for my beloved, Brian. Today my mind, however, was re-captivated by my 'capitalized' Beloved, Jesus. He is returning for His bride, and I am reminded of what a glorious day that will be. It is so easy to become near-sighted and focused on the here-and-now. But there is something so much bigger coming for us who believe. His return - the ultimate wedding feast.
As I daydream about this earthly love, my physical future wedding, and the life plans that will follow thereafter, I am so encouraged and enlightened that there is something so much bigger coming my (our) way. My plans will be good, even satisfying at times. But nothing will bring total satisfaction until I am united with my Church body to be married to our Bridegroom, Christ. His love for us is something that can only be imitated by humans, but not experienced fully. He is love, therefore, no one can love like He can. We strive for that, because that is our calling as believers, however, He is the best at this thing called 'love.' He has it mastered and needs no practice. I am at such peace knowing that my soul is in the hands of Love Himself. Nothing brings more reassurance to my heart than that.
Revelation 19:7 "Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready." Revelation 21:2 "I saw the Holy City, the New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband."
I love things Brian says to me, and I want to start documenting them. This last week he sent me a 'good night' text that encouraged me so much. It said "I like US so much. I love the idea and practice of bringing glory to our loving Savior!!!"
As I mentioned in past posts, I am a sucker for hymns. Old fashioned, yes. But there is something so strong, powerful, tear-jerking, eloquent, and beautiful that comes from most hymns. I also love that behind them there is an incredible story.
On December 29-January 2 my best friend Amy, and I, went up to Tacoma, WA for a very good YWAM friend's wedding. It was an incredible trip! Amy did the professional (airbrush) makeup for all the girls in the wedding, and we did a lot of the background stuff that goes into a wedding. I absolutely love sharing in this special time with special friends. It's a once in a life time occasion! At the wedding, my friend Levi and the groom's sister sang the hymn "before the throne of God above," accompanied by the piano. It was breathtaking! I cannot get this song out of my head now, and I keep listening to it repetitively on Youtube. I will attach the link in case anyone is interested in a quick soaking session. :)
More than just being a beautiful song, the lyrics ring absolute truth. We have a Great High Priest whose name is LOVE! My name is graven on His hands, it is written on His heart! "When Satan tempts me to despair, and tells me of guilt within, upward I look and see Him there, who made an end of all my sin. Because a sinless Savior died, my sinful soul is counted free!" I can't even seem to properly form any thoughts to these lyrics. The reality of these lyrics is absolutely overwhelming. I am so grateful for my Great High Priest whose name is Love. He breaks my heart...
More posts to come {hopefully} in the near future!
It's been forever since I've blogged. I feel like nothing too, too special has happened - at least nothing really worth blogging about. I know I will look back to this one day, remembering this phase of life.
Brian, my incredible boyfriend and I are doing better than ever. Life is so good-I am so blessed to have him in my life! He is such a godly and hardworking man, whom I admire very very much. He inspires me in every area of my life. He has started preaching occasionally at our church, ( and has made me so proud. Somehow with how respected this man is, with how hardworking and smart this man is, and how on top of things in life he is, he still adores me. I don't totally understand it, but he adores my passions, gifts and talents however few they are. It's quite overwhelming. I struggle sometimes to feel worthy of him, and I know that isn't true...because I have him! Just a learning process...
I am now in a transition period... I had my plans set to move out the beginning of February, have a great nannying job and be on top of it. But, things fall through. I no longer have a job and am searching pretty hard. I desperately want something that will allow me to support myself to move out of the parent's home. IT'S TIME! Praying for wisdom has become my big thing lately. I need to grow up, therefore I NEED to find a job.