Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thinking about The Bridegroom.

My heart was re-captivated today, thinking about my Beloved. I have a human beloved who is a gift from God. I find myself often thinking about my 'non-capitalized' beloved. I daydream about him, I wait for the day that he is mine and I am his. I long to call him 'mine' for good. I care so deeply for him, I would give anything to make him happy, to make him comfortable. I sacrifice money, time, thoughts, emotions, comforts, and such to do anything for my beloved, Brian. Today my mind, however, was re-captivated by my 'capitalized' Beloved, Jesus. He is returning for His bride, and I am reminded of what a glorious day that will be. It is so easy to become near-sighted and focused on the here-and-now. But there is something so much bigger coming for us who believe. His return - the ultimate wedding feast.

As I daydream about this earthly love, my physical future wedding, and the life plans that will follow thereafter, I am so encouraged and enlightened that there is something so much bigger coming my (our) way. My plans will be good, even satisfying at times. But nothing will bring total satisfaction until I am united with my Church body to be married to our Bridegroom, Christ. His love for us is something that can only be imitated by humans, but not experienced fully. He is love, therefore, no one can love like He can. We strive for that, because that is our calling as believers, however, He is the best at this thing called 'love.' He has it mastered and needs no practice. I am at such peace knowing that my soul is in the hands of Love Himself. Nothing brings more reassurance to my heart than that.

Revelation 19:7 "Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready."
Revelation 21:2 "I saw the Holy City, the New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband."

Prepare your bride for that day, O Lord!!!

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