Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The art of contentment.

Tis a tricky thing, contentment. I believe, it is especially difficult to be content in the nation / society that I live in. There is always something bigger and better out there; cars, houses, clothes (better, not necessarily bigger:), jobs, life-stages, etc. However, I am convinced that I will never be satisfied. It is easy to pick out things I would like differently in my life, all too easy. However those things will bring me no eternal or lasting value. In fact, they will all be burned before me when I meet my Savior face to face. My goal everyday of my life, is to have nothing set before me that is more important or distracting than the desire to be with Jesus. He deserves to be my desire!

This is a matter only He can help me in. My loving husband encourages me with sound wisdom, whenever I become distracted by things. He reminds me that my purpose in life is to bring our Lord glory. That I do not become dismayed because I am not this, that, or the other thing. OR that I have this, that or the other thing. This life is so temporary, I would hate to be hung up on things.

Lord, it is my plea that You would help me focus on you, and that all my idols would bow down to You. Help my frustations, at times, of the things or qualities that I do not have, to cast them down before You.

I will cast my cares upon Him, for He cares for me!


Kesha Thomas said...

A-men sister! I was just talking to a friend about this over breakfast! I think as women we face WAY more distraction than men. There's so much pressure to look a certain way and live up to a certain "standard" and it feels almost impossible to be content. Thank goodness for God's divine direction and His mercy on us!

Britney said...

I know! This topic is something that has been coming up daily for me... it's a big deal!