Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Few Soul Refreshers

I have been reading through the Bible with some other women in my church. We meet weekly and read about half a book each week. We started in Genesis a couple of months ago, now we're into Deuteronomy. I haven't been able to make it for the past 3 weeks so I've been doing my catch-up reading on my own. To be honest, Number was a little tough. I felt very A.D.D. reading through Numbers, it was hard to follow the story line and not check-out. Anyway, I started Deueteronomy today and my soul became refreshed. This book is a gem! Here are some of the verses that stood out to me and blessed me completely. I've been given the advice recently to read the Bible until it brings me to a point of repentance and or rejoicing. I needed to dwell on these verses for a while before finishing the chapter, they make me rejoice.

Deut. 4:29-31

Deut. 6:4-9

Deut. 8:3(b)

1 comment:

Beth Vice said...

I am so excited that you girls are doing this! There's no better use of your time than to read and discuss God's Word and then go put it to work. Wahoo for you!