Saturday, December 6, 2008


My time here in Kona is coming to an end very very quickly. 12 days until I will be on that jet plane. Right now is that in between stage of being SO busy finishing up the school, starting to pack and get rid of old stuff etc., as well as mentally and spiritually prepping myself to be home. I just woke up to the most amazing quiet time with God. He's really giving me lots of clarity for what lies before me at home, I am so excited! I am in tears at the thought of leaving this special place and all these special people, but also crying tears of joy for all that lies ahead. :o) Life is good!

I can't believe it's been a month since I've blogged. It's so weird because I don't have photos of my cute children and hubby like the majority of bloggers I know... ;-) So I just write. Perhaps if my camera worked I would take more photos.. lol. Right now I've got Misty Edwards "my soul longs for you" replaying through my head, so I'm posting the video of it. Pretty amazing song.

Well, bless you all!!

1 comment:

Genesis said...

Nice blog, i loved Misty Edwards song lyrics s much i set up a site with as many of her song lyrics that i coulc find, hopw you and your readers like it.