Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Inspired once again

I've been inspired once again! Today has been really good, I've spent some quality time with my mom shopping, working out and cooking healthy. I love healthy food. Actually I just wrote down some recipes for scones and I'm going to be baking tonight :-) The healthy part is that I bought whole wheat unbleached flour to use rather than white. It should be pretty good.
Ok, back to my inspiration. I sat down and played the piano today, just a few minutes ago actually. I was about to go back to my room to have some quiet time with Jesus, but as I started playing I remembered how that used to be part of my special time with the Lord. It's been MONTHS since I've tickled the ivories and it felt so good. Playing the piano, for me, releases all anger or tension I have inside and it gives me such freedom. It's such an awesome time with me and Jesus. Now, by no means am I good. I took lessons for many years and even teach piano, but I really am not good at all. haha I continually play the same pieces I played in highschool, because I haven't gone out to buy anything new. I think I'll be making a trip to Weather's music real soon to pick out something beautiful to worship Jesus with. I'm very excited!
Well that's it for now...I'm off to help mom with dinner. :-)

1 comment:

Allison said...

you're rad Brit.
send me some scones in the mail.

: )