Friday, February 1, 2008

Poor Griff!

So I've been hanging with Griffin since yesterday and it's been a good time. He's unfortunately really sick so he couldn't go to school today...poor guy! So we're just chillin at my house watching kid tv. Hopefully he gets better soon! Here's a couple of pics we took on Photobooth just for the heck of it.

I'm realizing that although I LOVE kids so much and I know I will have plenty one day, I am so not ready for any right now! I mean he's 6 which is an easy enough age because I don't have to keep him occupied all the time, but it still takes lots of energy. Last night when we were sleeping at his house I couldn't really sleep at all because I kept hearing him cough and I was so worried! Not to mention the fact that the dog, Bachelor, slept on the bed with me (it's king sized so it's good!) was snoring all night, haha. I hope my husband doesn't snore....
Ok thats enough for now I think. Peace!

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