Sunday, October 21, 2007

My chains are gone!

Wow, one thing I love about weekends is no homework, which means there is more time to think upon the things God is doing in my life. I am at a beautiful peace at this very moment in time with my relationship with the Lord. The funny thing about relationship with God is that there are so many aspects to it - just like a relationship with a person. One day I may be expressing my anger to him - and he is there to listen. One day I might just want to worship and praise him - and he is there to receive it. Somedays I might have lots of burdens on my mind and heart - and he is there to listen too! But I just listened to the current song on my myspace by Chris Tomlin "Amazing Grace" which leads into the song "my chains are gone" Here's the lyrics to the whole song:
Amazing grace how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me;
I once was lost, but now I'm found;
Was blind, but now I see....
My chains are gone, I've been set free;
My God, my Savior has ransomed me;
And like a flood, his mercy rains,
Unending love, Amazing grace!
We've had this song a few times for worship and everytime it gets to 'my chains are gone' I can't help but cry! It puts a new perspective on things when I look at my life that way. I no longer need to be a slave to sin, because my God and Savior has ransomed me from it! WOW. I am free to live for God - what an enormous blessing! This freedom came with a HUGE cost - the perfect son of God being destroyed for the sake of ME. Why would I ever choose to sin after I know that? It makes me sad that I still continue to sin on a daily basis, yet the important thing is that I am not a slave to those and I can turn from them and worship God with my freedom.
Thank you Lord for ransoming me! My life would be pointless if you had not saved me from the sin I was once a slave to. Thank you for this new perspective and the fact that I get to live for your name's sake. I could write about this all day Lord, I just pray you keep this fresh in my mind and sealed in my heart so I will not waiver form the amazing love and grace you so awesomely offered me! THANK YOU FOR LIFE, LORD!

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